Veggie Burgers: Health Tips from a Dietitian

素食汉堡是传统牛肉的美味替代品. 它们在成分和营养方面并不都是一样的, 所以仔细阅读营养信息很重要.


What’s in a veggie burger?

Veggie burger ingredients vary. 一些素食汉堡使用蔬菜来源的蛋白质来模仿肉的质地. 还有一些只是简单的肉饼,并没有假装成牛肉汉堡.

Commercially available veggie burgers may contain:

  • 植物蛋白(来自豆类、大豆、豌豆或其他来源)
  • 其他蔬菜,如胡萝卜、南瓜、蘑菇、辣椒、甜菜、荸荠或洋葱
  • Seeds such as flax or sesame seeds
  • Grains such as oats, wheat or rice
  • 填充物,如甲基纤维素(一种可以安全食用的纤维)
  • Salt and other spices and flavorings

消费者可能会根据口味偏好或避免对某些成分过敏来选择特定的素食汉堡, such as soy.

Nutritional Benefits of Veggie Burgers

Wechsler says, like all food, 素食汉堡的营养价值取决于它们的成分. “There are many different types of veggie burgers, 营养是由所使用的植物性食物决定的. It is possible to get a lot of the nutrition, and even flavor, of a beef burger in one made from plants.”

Beef vs. Veggie Burger


  • More fiber
  • Fewer calories
  • Less saturated fat

Tips for Choosing and Eating Veggie Burgers

  • Read labels. 韦氏强调了检查商店购买的素食汉堡标签的重要性,因为额外的脂肪和盐可能会增加味道. “确保你的素食汉堡含有少于5克的饱和脂肪和, ideally, less than 400 grams of sodium.”
  • Select fresh vegetable toppings. “There’s the classic lettuce, tomato and onion, or you can try something new by adding bell pepper, mushrooms or avocado,” she says.
  • Watch extra salt, saturated fat and sugar 通过避免或减少番茄酱、奶酪和蛋黄酱等附加成分. 尽量少用,或者选择芥末或鳄梨之类的酱.

Are veggie burgers high in protein?

有些是,尤其是那种模仿肉类汉堡的味道和质地的汉堡. 韦克斯勒说,如果你正在寻找富含蛋白质的食物, 有很多蔬菜汉堡含有豆类蛋白质, such as soy, peas or beans.

“在避免或替代饮食中的任何食物组时,一个很好的经验法则是确保你从其他来源获得该食物组中的关键营养素,” Wechsler explains. “In this case, if enjoying a veggie burger in place of meat, you’d want similar levels of protein, iron and vitamin B12. 寻找每盎司至少含有4克蛋白质的素食汉堡.

“一些素食汉堡营养丰富,味道很好,但蛋白质含量可能很低. 你可以用豆类等富含蛋白质的食物来弥补差额,”她说.

Are veggie burgers highly processed food?

They can be. 高度加工的食品是指那些原料(谷物), 蔬菜或蛋白质)经历多种机械过程. These can include washing, grinding, heating, dehydration, mixing, 挤压(挤压成糊状)或其他制造步骤. 一些高度加工的食品含有人工香料和色素, added sugar or salt, and preservatives.

“Highly processed foods, in general, 越来越多的食物来源是否会带来健康问题,” Wechsler notes.

“过度加工会使天然食品失去一些营养价值. Processed foods are not inherently bad, 但需要更多的工作来阅读标签,了解你得到的是什么.

“选择含有豆腐或豆豉等天然食物成分的素食汉堡, over those with isolated or hydrolyzed protein,” she suggests. “Better yet, make them yourself!” (See recipe below.)

Variety in Veggie Burgers

在过去的三十年里,素食汉堡越来越受欢迎. 韦克斯勒指出,市场上总是有更多的选择, 新的无肉汉堡比以前的版本更能吸引肉食者.

“Now, 肉食者和杂食动物有素食选择,可以在营养方面取代肉类, and potentially have other benefits, such as a positive environmental impact.”

Variety is key to a healthy diet, 人们可以根据自己的喜好和饮食目标尝试不同的素食汉堡. Wechsler says, “When you are craving a burger, 尝试不同的种类,以获得丰富的口味和均衡的营养.”

Black Bean Veggie Burger Recipe

These delicious, flavorful, 植物汉堡是由你可以在杂货店找到的成分制成的.

“它们与鳄梨酱或传统的汉堡配料搭配非常棒,” says Wechsler, 谁补充说这些汉堡是提供给约翰霍普金斯医院和设施的推荐十大正规网赌平台和访客的.

Makes six burgers.


  • 5 cups rolled oats
  • 1 medium bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 Tbsp canned diced jalapeno peppers
  • 2 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • ¾ tsp Spanish paprika
  • ⅛ tsp kosher salt
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 6 hamburger buns


  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
  2. Line a large baking pan with parchment paper. Set aside.
  3. 在食品加工机的碗里,放入除了黑豆以外的所有材料. Pulse for 20 seconds, 根据需要刮碗的边缘,直到材料被切碎,但仍然有一些质感.
  4. 除了一杯豆子,其余的都加入,继续搅拌30-60秒,直到豆子开始分解,配料开始结合在一起. Transfer mixture to a mixing bowl.
  5. Add remaining beans, and stir by hand. 将混合物揉成7盎司的小馅饼,放在准备好的烤盘上.
  6. 烤40到45分钟,或者直到边缘变脆,馅饼开始粘在一起. 让肉饼在烤盘上冷却10分钟.

每200克肉饼的营养成分:230卡路里, 36克碳水化合物(包括11克纤维), 10 grams of protein, 6 grams of fat.

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